Monday, June 11, 2007

moving on

the element of ON (in the subject line)-- has turned me on... wow

i remember the last time i changed-- abt 2 years ago- the thing which triggered me was an ad of TATA Safari- Dicor- which had a sign-off line "Reclaim your life". The ad had a kewl line- of I wish i quit on a monday..And i did it- monday morning 8:15 am i open my lappie-- connected it to my mobile-- opened my e-mail client and i sent a mail with the subject line - I QUIT

grr-- i am in the same situation now.. though it is existing thinking about the opportunities ahead-- but equally existed by the risks...

The word that trigged this move is a simple sentence.. "Jumping the cliff and building your wings going down" & I simbly walked into my Sr. VP's cabin- and i said him that i wannt to quit- he was at hsi convincing best-- from somewhere i gathered this word- that i am in the mood to do something suicidingly different... and i think so he was convinced with this stance.
maaan i am at the fag end of this notice period.. and i am feeling its a really a rocin time to move, and it's the best for me.

i will be certainly missing this place.. mostly to advancing my learning curve- most of the learning was of what i should not do in my life- as a leader as a person.

i am now moving to a place where i will be leading people-- i have a secret desire- to make my place a GREAT PLACE TO WORK.i was mostly irritated with some persisting irritants - the 2 p's (some selective people & policies).

maan i was damn tired of people whose mediocircty is rewarded and your hardwork become their fruits. I then decided rather than to crib(like rest of the people) i need to grab the steering wheel and then RECLAIM MY LIFE. I really strived to keep it a "Great Place to Work" i beleive I hav made a good difference to it. But then, at some point of time, you realize things wont change- Move is the best thing to do rather than to crib.

so i am moving on...........

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more of me on & a little bit of ego search

